3 DIY Pest Control Tips

Ah, the glorious days of summer. California summers are the stuff dreams are made of, with trips to the beach, ice cream cone stands, and palm trees swaying in the sun.

But summer is also the time when pests come out of winter hibernation, multiply, and invade homes—and Californians are not exempt from the problem. Check out our list of 3 pest control tips to keep pests away as the temperatures rise.

1. Secure Your Home

Summer is the time to check the quality of your weather stripping and mortar around the foundation of your home. If the stripping is losing its strength, or mortar is loose, take time to replace it. This is an important preventive measure to keep pests out.

2. Keep Your Home Clean

Pests usually come into a home seeking food. Even if your kitchen appears clean, they may find ways to get into crumbs and food sources. Be sure to sweep frequently, don’t leave dishes in the sink, and always use airtight containers for food.

3. Ventilate Your Home

Pests are drawn to moisture, so keep them away by making sure storm pipes divert rainwater away from the house. Get rid of areas with standing water near the house, and don’t let moisture build up in your bathrooms or kitchen.

Contact Preventive Pest Control Southern California

Though all of these pest control tips will definitely help to keep pests away, you’ll really rest easy if you call in the professionals. Contact Preventive Pest Control Southern California today to schedule an appointment for quality, reliable, residential pest control in the Anaheim or Corona areas.