Preventive Pest Blog

  • Peppermint Oil For Mice: How Effective is It?

    With numerous pest control home remedies being sworn by these days, it can be hard to determine which DIY treatment will be worthwhile or not. One popular home remedy is the use of peppermint oil to repel mice. If you’re tired of seeing rodents scurry across your kitchen floor, you may want to try your […]

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  • How to Practice Pet Friendly Rodent Control in Your Home

    Pets are a lot of fun to have in your home, but other animals such as mice – at least the undomesticated ones – are another story entirely. When there are mice or other pests in your house, you should take steps to remove them promptly, but already having a pet there makes things a […]

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  • Should You DIY Pest Control or Hire Experts? Here’s Your Answer

    There are times you can pull off exterminating your pesky pests on your own with store-bought traps or sprays and there are times when you definitely shouldn’t go the DIY route. Here are the signs that tell you when you can easily take care of the problem yourself and the signs that tell you when […]

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  • How Often Pest Control Should Done At Your Property

    The objective of pest control isn’t just to exterminate pests, but to prevent them as well. However, pests are vigilant and even professional-grade exterminator formulas don’t last forever. If you want to keep those bugs and rodents out of your home, you’ll need routine treatments from a certified pest control company. How Often? Most pest […]

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  • A Guide to Spotting Different Types of Termite Damage

    Western subterranean termites are a very common variety found all over California. In fact, they have even grown to “plague proportions” in some areas and have caused millions of dollars of damage. These little creatures are so damaging because they rapidly eat out the internal sections of douglas fir and other common timbers used in […]

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  • How to Look for Signs of Pests on a Commercial Property

    Finding one or two pests on-site at your business is often a sign of a greater problem that’s been developing for days or even weeks without your awareness. Therefore, it’s essential to have a professional pest control service on the case immediately. Because pest problems can often be difficult for people to identify and control, […]

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  • Finding The Right Southern California Pest Control Company

    Along with blooming trees, greening grass, and warming weather, spring and summer are notorious for bringing with them a swarm of bugs and other pesky critters. It’s also during this time of year that people tend to turn to pest control services to rid them of these most unwelcome guests. Once the warmer seasons pass, […]

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