How to Get Rid of Ants: 5 Effective Steps

Ant infestation that needs to be rid of

Ants are among the most common household pests, known for their ability to infiltrate homes in search of food and shelter. While small in size, ants can become a significant nuisance when they invade your personal space. Understanding how to get rid of ants requires a combination of preventive measures, identification, targeted treatments, and ongoing maintenance. Keep reading to discover 5 simple steps to get rid of ants.

Step 1: Identify the Type of Ants

The first step in ant control is identifying the type of ants you’re dealing with. Different ant species have distinct behaviors, nesting habits, and preferences, which can influence your treatment approach. Common household ants include:

  • Argentine Ants: Known for forming large colonies, they often invade homes in search of food. These ordinary-looking insects are brown and between 2.6 and 3.2 mm long.
  • Carpenter Ants: These ants can cause structural damage by hollowing out wood to create nests. A carpenter ant may look more imposing than other ants because of their size. They are generally between ⅜ to ½ long and red to black in color.
  • Odorous House Ants: Recognized by the rotten smell they emit when crushed, odorous house ants can grow to be as large as ½ in long but are easily identified by a pungent smell that has been compared to rotten coconut and bleu cheese.
  • Pavement Ants: These small insects typically nest under sidewalks, driveways, and building foundations. Their shiny gaster (the tail end of the ant) makes them easily identifiable.
  • Pharaoh Ants: Small ants that can be particularly difficult to control due to their tendency to split colonies. Pharaoh ants are known for their yellow to reddish-brown color and dark abdomens.
  • Fire Ants: Notorious for their painful stings, fire ants are aggressive and build large mounds outdoors. They are bright reddish-brown and are often found in open, sunny areas such as lawns and fields.

Once you’ve identified the ant species, you can tailor your control methods more effectively. For more accurate identification, consider consulting a pest control professional.

Step 2: Eliminate Attractants

If you’d like to learn how to get rid of ants, it’s essential to know how you’ve attracted these insects in the first place. Ants are primarily attracted to food and water sources. By eliminating these attractants, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of an ant infestation. Here’s how:

  • Keep Areas Clean: Clean kitchen counters, floors, and other surfaces to remove crumbs and spills. Pay special attention to areas where food is prepared and consumed.
  • Store Food Properly: Use airtight containers to store food, especially sugary or greasy items that attract ants. Keep fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.
  • Take Out the Trash: Ensure garbage bins are tightly sealed and emptied regularly. Clean the bins to remove any residue that might attract ants.
  • Fix Leaks: Repair any leaks in plumbing and ensure that sinks and drains are kept dry. Ants are attracted to moisture, so eliminating water sources can deter them.

Step 3: Seal Entry Points

Ants can enter your home through even the tiniest cracks and gaps. Sealing these entry points is crucial to prevent them from gaining access. Here’s how to seal entry points and get rid of ants in 4 steps:

  1. Inspect Your Home: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior, paying close attention to windows, doors, and the foundation. Look for cracks, gaps, and holes.
  2. Seal Cracks and Gaps: Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal cracks around windows, doors, and the foundation. Consider using silicone-based caulk for a durable, long-lasting seal.
  3. Install Door Sweeps: Add door sweeps to the bottoms of exterior doors to close gaps that ants might use to enter your home.
  4. Repair Screens: Ensure window and door screens are in good condition and free from holes or tears.

Step 4: Use Ant Baits and Treatments

Once you’ve identified the type of ants and taken preventive measures, it’s time to address the infestation directly. Any bait and treatments are effective tools for eliminating ants. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use them:

  1. Choose the Right Bait: Select ant baits that are specifically designed for the ant species you’re dealing with. Baits contain a slow-acting insecticide that ants carry back to the nest, effectively killing the entire colony.
  2. Place Baits Strategically: Position ant baits along ant trails, near entry points, and in areas where ants are most active. Avoid placing baits directly in the path of household traffic.
  3. Use Insecticidal Sprays: In addition to baits, consider using insecticidal sprays to treat ant trails and entry points. Be particularly cautious when using sprays around food preparation areas.
  4. Follow Manufacturer Instructions: Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any baits and treatments to ensure safe and effective use.

Step 5: Maintain Preventive Measures

Now that you’ve learned how to get rid of ants, it’s important your property stays pest-free. Even after successfully eliminating an ant infestation, it’s essential to maintain preventive measures to keep ants from returning. Here are some ongoing maintenance tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Continue to keep your home clean and free of food debris. Pay attention to areas that might be easily overlooked, such as under appliances and behind furniture.
  • Monitor for Activity: Look for signs of any activity, such as new trails or nests. Early detection can help you address a potential problem before it becomes a full-blown infestation.
  • Inspect and Seal: Periodically inspect your home’s exterior for new cracks or gaps and seal them promptly. Seasonal changes can cause shifts in your home’s foundation, creating new entry points for ants.
  • Strategize Landscaping: Trim back vegetation and trees that touch your home, as these can serve as bridges for ants to enter. Keep mulch, soil, and leaves away from the foundation to reduce moisture levels. Incorporate plants like lavender, mint, and fennel to further protect your property from insects.

How to Get Rid of Ants with Preventive Pest Control in Southern California

Getting rid of ants doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these five simple steps, you can effectively manage and prevent ant infestations in your home or business. Remember, consistency is key—maintain good environmental hygiene, regularly inspect your space, and address any issues prompting you to keep your living space ant-free.

If your ant problem persists despite your best efforts, consider seeking professional help. Preventive Pest Control of SoCal has proudly protected Orange County and The Inland Empire residents from unforgiving pests for over 20 years and has the expertise to tackle even the most stubborn infestations. Ensure your home or business remains a comfortable and pest-free environment with our comprehensive pest control services, tailored treatment, customizable subscription plans, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Contact Preventive Pest Control today to schedule an inspection and take the first step toward a pest-free home or business.