How to Spot Termite Damage

Hearing the word termites is enough to strike fear into the heart of any homeowner. These little insects can and do cause literally billions of dollars worth of damage to homes around the United States each year. 

If left unchecked, termites can do untold damage to homes and buildings. That’s why it’s so important to maintain regular habits of checking for termites. Whether you own a home or a business, watching for these insects should be made a top priority. 

If you’re not sure what to look for or how long it takes for the damage to become dangerous and life-threatening, this is the blog for you. We’ll discuss signs of termite damage you should be aware of as well as preventive steps you can take to avoid sustaining termite damage. 

Signs of Termite Damage

Termite damage can take years to manifest as the colony itself grows and matures, but some things to watch for include:

  • Buckling wood
  • Smell of mildew or mold
  • Swollen floors
  • Swollen ceilings
  • Visible mazes within furniture or walls

Some of the signs of termite damage can appear similar to water damage. If you’re uncertain, call or contact us at Preventive Pest Control. 

Preventing Termite Damage

If you’re seeing signs of termite damage in your home or on your property, you have some options to combat the bugs. The following are some of our suggested steps for preventing termite damage:

  • Do what you can to remove moisture in and around the property. Termites need moisture to survive. 
  • In that same vein, repair leaking faucets or other watery appliances.
  • Monitor areas of exposed wood on the property. 
  • Don’t keep firewood close to the house.
  • Schedule a regular inspection. 

The signs of termite damage are easy to see once you know what to watch for. If you’re worried about your home or property, take preventive steps today to combat termite damage.